Hello! I’m a strategist and creative director with over three decades of experience bridging art and industry at design studios, ad agencies, production studios, entertainment and news organizations, non-profits, NGOs and social enterprises across North America, the UK and Europe.
Focusing brand, communication and content strategies with meaningful values over trends, creating better design, inventive partnerships and producing effective multimedia stories that increase social value and audience engagement.
Developing meaningful connections with local and global audiences.
Today I am committed to working with non-profits, social enterprises and independent media and organisations making powerful positive impacts.
One example is the on-going work to provide awareness of, and access to, independent journalism.
Working with the founders, producers and broadcast team at the non-profit news organization Democracy Now! Productions we are continuing to expand awareness of the independently produced daily global news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González.
Carefully maintaining legacy values of the grass-roots news program originally broadcast on Pacifica Radio stations 25 years ago we continue evolving the branded identity to better reflect today's role of independent journalism and express those values across re-designed on-air TV broadcasts and websites.  
Developing communication and content strategies has been the foundation for expanding awareness and distribution and given both old and new audiences an improved user experience and efficient access to both the live broadcasts and more than twenty-five years of archived historical video and audio interviews.
Together we have substantially increased carriage of the daily broadcast on public television and radio stations and are reaching younger, more diverse audiences on digital and social media platforms around the world. 
Partnering with at Democracy Now!'s Directors of Development, social media and outreach teams we continue to establish solid fundraising growth year-over-year in support of a truly unique public media initiative.
I am interested to hear your story and what you do! 
Some of the brands, businesses, institutions and causes I helped launch, build and reinvigorate: 
Some of the advertising agencies and networks I've helped out: